Tuesday, 30 September 2014

See no touch.

Question of the day: would you allow a stranger to touch your child without your permission? (Inspired by http://timothythiah.com) 

I'm sure many of us parents have read the blog post he wrote about strangers touching your baby without permission (if you havnt go read it). Then I came across Hot FM 91.3's Facebook page and they too posted this question saying that if someone touched my child I should take it as a compliment as I made a cute child. I found this statement super offensive and very thoughtless to us parents (a statement obviously made by someone who doesn't have a child). 

Firstly let's get this right... What sparked him to write about this topic is because a stranger carried his child WITHOUT permission. I think it's just rude to touch a stranger's property (eg: if you see a stranger carrying a nice bag and you wanna take a look at it you don't simply touch the bag without their permission right?) and this is a baby we are talking about here. Shouldn't the parents have the basic respect from an absolute stranger to at least ask before they touch their child!? Even our personal friends will ask us permission before they carry baby G. Friends... So strangers are expected to do the same thing too. 

Secondly, people who comment saying that they as parents are being overprotective, paranoid and might as well leave the child at home if you don't want others to touch are just insensitive people who do not have children of their own. Children fall ill really easily from the slightest exposure of germs. We don't even know what the stranger touched before they touch your child. And as a parent of a premature baby (just like fighter's parents) of course I will get a bit edgy if some unknown hands reach out to wanna touch my child. Premature babies have gone through a lot during the beginning days of their life and no they don't need to be exposed to your filthy germs thank you very much. 

Thirdly, saying that if a stranger wants to touch your child you should take it as a compliment cause that means you made a cute baby... Well there are a lot of ways to compliment your child wad. Why must it be in a form of a physical touch? Then you wait till you have your own child and see if you will still think this way. 

Forthly, I have read a case where a complete stranger, without asking the permission of the parents, actually had the nerve to physically carry the child away from it's parents and brought the child back to their own table!! Like excuse me wouldn't you as a parent be super traumatised and upset?! There are so many cases of children being abducted these days. Yes call us paranoid or whatever but we have the right to be! 

What I cannot stand are these people who call us parents paranoid and crazy are people who don't even have children of their own. Obviously when it's not your child it's easy to say such things. But when you have your own child.. Trust me it will be a different case. 

Thankfully for us we have never encountered any strangers wanting to touch baby G. I guess cause she is always locked in her pram so people have not attempted to yet. But I did have this discussion with my husband and trust me he will go ape shit at that stranger who attempts to touch/carry her without asking. I'm sure if you ask nicely we may consider. That is why we always hang an antibacterial gel on her pram. Even as her parents we always make sure our hands are clean before we handle her. So obviously we expect strangers to respect this too. 

To summarize... It's just basic manners to ask before you touch someone's property or child. And then it's up to the parents themselves to decide if they want to let you touch their child. And please remember they aren't obliged to say yes just because you were polite to ask cause it is still their child at the end of the day. 

Monday, 29 September 2014

Thankful Monday

I've been having super random and most out of the world dreams that totally do not make any sense. Like how in the world is it possible that I dream about such ridiculous things??! Don't know if I'm like sleep deprived so my brain is subconsciously stressed out hence causing my weird dreams? Hmmm 

Like I've been dreaming about people I used to date and my exes. Some shocks me in my dreams cause I will wake up and be like "why the hell did you come into my dream!!!?" (Note: I didn't write why the hell did I dream about you cause honestly I DO NOT want to dream about them at all!!) 

And then I will dream about a trauma which haunted me way back in January. And it also has something to do with the job I was offered recently. After I declined that job offer and then I had this dam spastic and ridiculous dream... I was so dam thankful I rejected that job!! I woke up traumatised but super happy with my decision! 

Even though I had a super weird dream again last night... I'm waking up thankful. Cause at 4.45am I woke up to baby G's random babbles. Hahaha I peered into her crib and there she was playing with her fingers, babbling away and when she saw me she smiled (: so I fed her and she went back to bed. She babbled herself to sleep! Haha super cute. 

I'm waking up thankful for the life I have now. I always prayed to marry the love of my life and have an amazing child together. Ive achieved it at such a young age and I'm quite proud of that! I have an understanding husband who allows me to be a stay at home mum for now and enjoy the 1st year of my daughter's life. Even though i don't agree with his silly lil hobbies sometimes... I can never really get mad at him. Cause somehow he always knows how to poke fun at me or be silly and hence I can never be mad at him. I have an amazing little warrior princess as a daughter. She has such a strong fighting spirit which makes me super proud to call her my daughter. I'm blessed with a family who always pampers and supports me in whatever i do. And then now I'm blessed to have my 2nd family who we get along very well. You know how some daughter in laws just don't get along with their in laws especially their mil? Well not for me. My
Mil is awesome and she's very much like my own mother so that's why we click I guess? And I'm even closer to my husbsnd's aunties than my own aunties. 

So yea you can say I'm pretty darn happy and satisfied with how my life turned out. And here's to many more happy years(: 

Here's a load of family pics taken these few weeks! 

Baby G's first wedding 

Bed time family wefies(: 

Don't you just wanna kiss her!! Aiyoooo

Looking so much like her daddy! 

Have a blessed week ahead!!! 

And countdown to my mum's bday: 5 days 

My birthday: 10 days 

My husband's bday: 24 days 

What do I want for my birthday this year? Honestly nothing cause I have everything I ever wanted(: 

Friday, 26 September 2014

Inconsiderate parking babarians

Today I was at sembawang shopping centre. They just allocated 2 parking lots for the family lots. There was 1 vacant and my eyes immediately lighted up cause I've been trying to park at the family lot eversince taking baby G out but it's always taken or the mall doesn't have family lots. So today I was like "wah score!!" My mum was reversing in till she noticed the car who was parked at the other family lot walking towards their car. At that point I was feeding baby G to notice or pay any attention to. My mum then said "those people don't have a baby and they parked at the family lot." It didn't click in my head how inconsiderate these stupid idiots were till like 2mins later. 

So question of the day is... What will you do when you encounter such inconsiderate babarians?

Well for me if I had noticed it earlier I would have definitely gotten out of the car and told that inconsiderate person off. Cause seriously I cannot stand it when people take advantage of things that are set up to convenience the needs of people who actually need it!! 

Okay if the other family lot was not available and I had to wait for a parking lot and I saw that inconsiderate babarian yes I would die die get out of the car and scream at them even more. 

(Diverting a little now I realise how "gangho" I am now as a mother. I will tell people off when I see something wrong) 

Given the fact that there was another family lot at that time I could just let it slide. But it still bugs me how inconsiderate some people can be over such a minute thing. I mean come on how hard is it to wait for another lot? Will you die while waiting? 

After having a baby I realise how small Singapore parking lots are at most malls. So now whenever we have baby G with us we have to find lots which have a bigger space on the left side cause there's where she sits. And also given that Singaporeans are horrible drivers... They cannot park straight so sometimes space is limited when I have to take Baby G out. When that happens I will just bang my car door against theirs. I don't care cause it's not my fault wad! 

So to all parents... If you see people taking advantage on what are entitled to us.. Please please speak up and tell them off!! 

And to those who clearly do not have a baby.. Please be more considerate and think about others! You wait till you have your own child then you are entitled to such privileges! 

Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Milk bitters


So after the constant battle of going back and forth and back and forth... And having a mini discussion with other mummies I've decided to decline the job offer. I thought I would regret my decision but after emailing them to decline I actually felt more relief. I was quite stress with making this decision. But I'm so thankful my husband is so supportive of my decision. 

Anyways on to another topic of discussion... Breastfeeding (I realise I talk aboht breastfeeding a lot on my blog. Haha) 

Yes this is a picture of me breastfeeding baby G. She has successfully latched on my right and I was so proud I had to take a picture. And she's so smart. She knows how to cover up and nurse discreetly. Haha 

So just yesterday another fellow young mummy casually blogged about her abundant supply of milk just after a few days of giving birth. And then of course the breastfeeding mummies have to have a say about it. Saying it's impossible... She's lying... She's boasting. Like seriously!!? Okay mind you these are mummies wayyyyy older than the victim and myself. Why be such a bully to such an amazing experience of motherhood? And come on we are all mummies. Shouldn't we support one another? And especially on the topic of breastfeeding. Breastfeeding is not easy at all. Be it whether you latch or exclusively pump, it takes a lot of commitment, time and effort! I know many young mummies around my age or younger who give up on breastfeeding because they can't take the pain, don't wanna give up their sleep or fear saggy boobs (yes I've asked many young mummies and these are their replies). So when a fellow young mummy who takes on the breastfeeding route... I feel super happy for them! 

Okay there are 3 groups of mothers: the young, the "appropriate" age group and the older ones. From what I know, the young mothers group has the least amount of breastfeeding mummies. And honestly these young mummies who don't go the breastfeeding route is mainly for the fear of unflattering boobs. Whatever to each it's own. And I honestly feel proud whenever my husband comes back and tell me "so and so's wife gave up breastfeeding within a few days." And these are mummies older than I am. 

Being a mother is hard as it is. Add on breast feeding can get very hectic. So we all need support and not to be put down or jealous just because another mother is producing more. At the end of the day it isn't a competition as to who produces more. As long as you can provide some form of breast milk to your child that's what is important. 

On to baby G.. She always wakes up around 7-8am in the cheeriest of mood. This morning after daddy fed her I was carrying her to pass her to my mum as daddy had to leave for work and I had to pump. She was so chatty and smiley. Then I told my husband "she's going to laugh very soon. I can feel it!! And I'm not going to miss it." Then my husband goes "you will miss it." The next instant she starts laughing!! OMG it was the oddest laughter I ever heard but it was still super cute and magical! I'm glad we both got to witness this milestone of hers. 

So I've been trying to get her to laugh all day but she just won't do it. I really don't know if her flipping and laughter are all coincidence cause she just won't do it again. Oh wells anyways she's still so young! (2mths and 29days corrected which we use to track her milestones). 

"I don't understand all the hoohaa about milk production. Who cares as long as I get fed!" -Baby G 

Tuesday, 23 September 2014

A big decision

I often find myself reminiscing about my whole pregnancy. From the day we found out that I was carrying a life in me... To the horrible but amazing pregnancy days... To waking up to a pool of blood and all that birth trauma... To baby G's nicu days and I still honestly wonder how I made it through those torturous 2months plus... And to now... How big and chunky she's become. 

Being a mother is a full time job. And I freakin LOVE my job!!! It's the most rewarding and satisfying one. I wake up everyday anticipating what baby G will be up to. Will she achieve new milestones? And then I go to bed feeling so happy and thankful with my life. I married the love of my life and we have such an amazing and beautiful daughter. 

So I started sending out my résumés about a month back. And never did I expect to get a reply so quick. Now I'm stuck on whether to take up the job or not. 

Ok these are my thoughts just running. I'm a libra so I really weigh the pros and cons very carefully. And I really have an issue.. I freakin cannot make decisions!! Simple ones, big ones... Ahh I get super stressed! 

I'm lucky I don't really NEED a job for now cause we still are living with our parents and we don't need to pay for anything yet. Like our house will only be up in 3-4years. Car, Sean takes care of it. So for me I pay for our meals and petty items we buy when we are out. So right now we are doing just fine. And given baby G's life story... I really wanna be able to be with her as long as I can. She was "robbed" away from me for 2months during her stay at the nicu. So of course I wanna make it up to her. And I feel her first year is super important and I shouldn't miss any of it if I have the chance. Like just the other day I was the one with her that I discovered she could flip from her back to her belly. And she's such a joy to be around with. 

Why I'm so hesitant about this job is because I have separation anxiety from baby G. Every time I think about the likelihood of leaving her to work I cry and get super upset. And thing is I wasn't prepared to start work till next year!! So obviously I wasn't prepared when this opportunity popped up. And I'm so scared I will hate the job. To me if I wanna start work this early, it has to be something I really really die die want and I know I will love. Then I will feel it's worth leavin baby G at home to do what I love. But this... I'm super uncertain.

And I just forged an amazing and beautiful breastfeeding relationship with baby G. Like she's finally latching on so well! Then if I start work I will be super tired and all. I'm so unsure if I can continue this relationship or even pump!! I told myself i will breast feed her till the day I start working and let my supply just slowly dwindle away. 

But then again I know this job is such a dam good opportunity. If I can learn to love it I will be stuck in this line forever. And this company would sponsor me for my Masters. And this is such a good skill to have actually. Especially being a mother now, what I learn from there can be applied to baby G too. Cause if I don't take up this job I'm back to square one again... What the hell do I do!!? What do I work as!??

So you see my mind has been a constant back and forth. It's super frustrating!! There are times where I will tell myself "okay just suck it up and take the job!" Then there are most times where I'm like "nah never mind just wait for next year and find something I truly want." Urrgggg 

Plus my husband doesn't think I should take up this job cause he thinks/knows I won't like it. You tell me which husband will tell you to work at something I'm good at or know will love instead of it's monetary gains? I'm so lucky he's not forcing me to faster get a job and all. 

Sighhhh..... Someone tell me what to do! Cause I know either decision I make I will regret a little. Grrrrr 

And see this is what I do when I'm home with baby G. We take a million selfies together and I just can't and don't wanna miss any moment with her!! 

Monday, 22 September 2014

Our living situation

As my husband and I got married in such a rush, we had no time to apply for a house. Thankfully our families allowed us back home. From Sunday to Thursday morning, we are at my husband's place. At 1pm on Thursdays my mum comes to pick me and baby G up and we will head for lunch before heading back to mine. And then we are there over the weekend. And then some days when my husband has overnight duty on days we are suppose to stay at his, baby G n I head back to my place. 

I'm thankful my in laws aren't the super traditional kind. Like once I marry into their family I must stay there and all. We enjoy the shuffle around (although it really gets hectic moving here and there) but both side of grandparents get to bond with baby G. We want baby G to be close to both sides. Plus I'm super close to my own family and seriously I spend more than 1/2 my life with my mother. Haha since both of us are "taitais" now. We take baby G every where we go.

So this week we are at my place the whole week. Cause Sean's 2nd sister's baby just got discharged from the hospital so my mil has to help out and all. Okay if you guys didn't know my in laws have 5 grand children including baby G (which I call The Famous Five). Baby G is the 4th. There are currently 4 of the grand children living wif them. So imagine my mil has to take care of 4 of them everyday! Then this week she has to travel to my 2nd sis in law's place to look after recovering baby Owen. So I thought I would give her a break from baby G as baby Owen needs his grandma now. 

And today my husband will be staying at his cause he has an early work day tomorrow and my place is further to travel and all. So yea we have days where we stay at separate houses and we don't think it's weird. Haha 

I'm rambling today cause I havnt blogged in a while. Well because there isn't much to blog about? Oh just that I'm stressed out because I have to make a veri important decision. Sigh. Shall talk about it after I make the decision. 

Anyways baby G has finally learnt to flip onto a belly from her back!! Yay((: at 2mths n 24days!! 

And when she does tummy time, she's able to lift her head up higher now! And she doesn't scream in terror when we put her on her tummy! 

So proud of my lil princess(: she's really doing so well! Oh and she's able to put herself to sleep too. Yeps she's a big girl now! 

I need inspiration to blog about topics again. Hmmm any suggestions? 

Tuesday, 16 September 2014

5mths and a day (corrected: 2mths and 21days)

Yesterday marked baby G's 5mths!! Can't believe how time is flying by!! From a tiny little fragile baby who had so many uncertainties to a strong Michelin like baby!! I'm still in awe how strong this little being is. She has brought so much happiness to our family and there's no other person in this world I will love more than baby G. 

Some have asked me when I will have baby number 2. But honestly having her was already a blessing itself and because of my medical condition no one knew if I could even conceive. So even if baby G is the only child I can have it's okay(: I'm more than happy and that way all my love and attention can be devoted to her. I always planned for 2 kids the most and I would wish to give her a sibling. But because I had such a difficult pregnancy and my gynae said I still have a 50/50 of not being able to carry the next baby to full term. So we shall seeeeee 

Milestones so far: 
-she's about to flip 
-she rotates in her sleep (she will be sleeping horizontally and when we wake up in the morning she's vertical) 
-she has no successfully latched on to both the right and left boob!! Yay(: 
-her head control is much stronger too 
-now she can go as long as 9hrs without milk. That means we are able to sleep through the night already! Yay(: 
-she's over 6kgs now 
-she's able to go to bed on her own (she used to need to be rocked to sleep or suck her pacifier but now she just makes noise but it tires her out and she will fall asleep) 
-she now smiles whenever she see you.. And she's super talkative!

Happy 5mths n a day my little princess! 

N here's a crying pitiful face. Hahaha too cute I can die!! 

Saturday, 13 September 2014

30 things I will teach baby G

Saw this on Facebook '101 things I will teach my daughter' so I got inspired to write my own version! Listed 30 for now! 

1) Always be happy. 

2) Be yourself. Never let anyone change who you are. 

3) Be a better friend. 

4) It's okay if you don't have a lot of friends. But make sure you have at least one who you can lean on when times get rough. 

5) Its okay to binge on chocolates and ice-cream. 

6) When you are sad, it's okay to cry it out, eat a whole tub of ice-cream and sleep all day. 

7) Find a man who will still tell you how beautiful you are even with no make-up on and wearing sweats. 

8) We will have 'Sex and the City' marathon once in a while. You need to watch this as it teaches you about the importance of friendship. 

9) Have awesome girly sleepovers. 

10) Always respect your elders and be polite. 

11) The person you should love the most is yourself. 

12) Stand firm on what you believe. 

13) Never let anyone tell you you can't do something. 

14) Be humble. 

15) Be the best person you can be. 

16) Blast music in the car and sing at the top of your lungs. 

17) Go on a crazy shopping spree every once in a while. (With money you earn of course! Unless your mummy and daddy are feeling generous that day!) 

18) Never take things for granted. 

19) YOLO (you only live once) 

20) Laugh everyday. 

21) Remember that not everyone will think like you. 

22) Acknowledge and accept your flaws. 

23) It's okay to ask for help. 

24) Never live your life with regret. 

25) What's meant to be will be. 

26) Get a hobby. 

27) Always believe in yourself. 

28) Never forsake those in need. 

29) Give with a cheerful heart.

30) Know that your family especially mummy and daddy always got your back. You are never alone. 

Friday, 12 September 2014

Thoughts at 2.30am

-wide awake. Idk y 
-I've been eating like a glutton these past week!! Like my appetite is even bigger than my husband's!! OMG pls kill me 
-thankfully I'm not putting on the weight still. Gotta thank breastfeeding seriously! If not I can't imagine how puffy I would become from all this binge eating 
-like seriously I can eat a full meal but still munch on crap after (eg: chocolate is my GO TO.. Chips... Cake... Cookies (hahaha all starts with C) fruits... Bubble tea.. Bread OMG jus murder me seriously 
-my husband is being annoying. He's sleeping horizontally which means I can't straighten my legs 
-so I decided to put my legs horizontally too at his face (just picture how we are sleeping now. It's pretty hilarious and odd) 
-have been successfully latching baby G for the past week! So yay to us!! 
-n she finally managed to latch on the right boob too!! Double yay 
-my dog mochi is super funny. He got scolded by daddy today and he was so scared to come into the room and sleep. I had to carry him in and he won't dare come onto the bed too until daddy calls him. LOL 
-bullet is too in love with baby G seriously! He always has to check on her and get right up her face 
-have plans to head to town later but by the looks of it I'm going to be too tired and I would definitely wanna catch up on my sleep. So hmmm 
-I'm alreadying thinking about what I should eat for dinner later -.- see how pig like I am now!! 
-I found the most inspiring woman on Instagram just now. I really just wanna hug her if I could. She had difficulties getting pregnant and when she did she had twins. But she had complications and she lost one twin. She gave birth to the other baby at 23weeks and she weighed 480g!!! I have so much respect for this mother and daughter! 
-after reading such stories I always just wanna cuddle baby G immediately. (But not now since my 2 dogs are sleeping right next to me and we still havnt allowed them to sleep with her. Plus it's already warm enough in bed with these 2 furballs) 
-I really feel like kicking my husband in the face now. Haha 
-I should really sleep now 
-should I watch my Korean drama? (Ps I DO NOT watch Korean drama but decided to watch this one since it's about an autistic doctor. I still find Koreans rather vulgar and so rough in the way they speak) 

Ok bye.. 

Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Lightweight party at sgh 2014

On the 6th of sept we went to our first party at the hospital. It's a celebration for all these lil warriors which the hospital holds yearly. When I first got the invite I knew exactly what I wanted baby G to wear! It was an underwater themed party. And if you know me well enough I LOVE Ariel from little mermaid. So I hunted for a mermaid costume for baby G and that was what she wore (: 

It has been 3mths since she left the hospital and it was the first time she saw the nurses and doctors again. They had so much praises for her and all exclaimed how cute she was in her costume!!! She was declared "best dress" of the day by the team and she won the 3rd price in the lucky draw!! 

I've never won anything in my 22years of life. I wanted to resign to my sad fate when they were going to announce the top 3 prices. I thought "aiya I guess we have no luck". But bam they announced her name and I was doing my happy dance inside. Hahahahaha eh first time winning something okay!!! Of course I was a proud mama! LOL 

Some of the nurses carried her and "air swimmed" her. She was enjoying herself and kept smiling and squealing away! She was so poofed out by the end of the party and she slept through the night. 

One of my favorite family photos (:

And can you tell I was in Little mermaid Ariel's colour scheme! Haha 

I have such gratitude to the whole nicu team of sgh. I believe I can speak for my husband too. She was so well taken off during her 2mths stay at the hospital. When we couldn't be there with her 24/7 they were like her second mothers who loved her just as much as us. The way they care for these little warriors are amazing. They have so much love and dedication for these tiny beings. And they guided us so well as to how to care for her when she came home and especially since we were first time parents too. Thank you so much to the nicu team of sgh. No words can express our gratitude to you. 

*dam deleted the pics of the nurses off my phone. Check out my facebook to see the faces who cheered these little warriors on* 

Thursday, 4 September 2014

Doors are opening

Yesterday i received good news. To others it may be so small, minute and doesn't mean anything but to me, a SAHM it's a small little stepping stone for me. 

And then this morning I woke up to another piece of good news. Well it's also a small step. Not something I really really want but it is a door that opened. Now I just have to pray that God will lead the way and if it's the way He wants me to go... He will guide and provide. Leaving it all in the hands of The Lord. He has watched over my family and I and I believe He will see me through my next step of my life. 

It's a bittersweet moment for me though. I always feel sad just thinking about it but I know it's a step I have to take eventually. Gonna keep praying for comfort and that I will find some joy and passion. 

Wednesday, 3 September 2014

Reflections Wednesday

I have been following both youtubers AprilAthena and Bubzbeauty for quite a while. And when I found out they were pregnant I was estactic cause finally I can watch them and go "ah OMG totally understand how you feel man!" Cause I was pregnant around the same time as them as well. And fun fact baby G was born 5 days before April's Liam when she was due in June. I just watched bubzbeauty's vlog on her newborn and couldn't help but tear and totally understood how she felt when she had to leave her baby Issac in the hospital for an extra day/not being able to have your baby by your side after delivering. Likewise for me, I couldn't see baby G on the day I delivered and I was jealous and so upset that I couldn't have my baby by my side. And when I saw her through the incubator my heart ached so much. 

I had to walk away from the hospital for 2months and a bit without my baby. It was devastating and so hard. Yes it got easier but as I constantly reflect on our journey I always ask myself "how the hell did I get through those months!!?" Cause it was excruciating. 

Even up to now I marvel at how far she has come for a tiny being. Honestly I still marvel at the fact that I actually carried this lil warrior in my belly for 7months. I still find it unbelievable that she's even out!! Like I can actually hold her. Sometimes when I look at her I need to touch her a few more times to make sure she is real! 

A couple of days ago I actually woke up and when I saw my husband carry her, I thought I was still in a dream in my sleep. Like "what I gave birth to such an amazing being!!?" So yea it has been 4months and it hasn't sunk in DEEP within my brain that I have a daughter, we went through such a trying but amazing journey as a family and that she's home in my arms. 

Some mummies get "sick" of being with their child (those stay at home mums) 24/7 but for me I enjoy every second of it! Though I'm not by her side all the time cause I have so much help from my mum and mil, I still know that I can just walk into the room where she is and give her a lil kiss and go back to my "me" time. 

Then jus today my husband and I went to buy diapers and we bought both size S and M (M is till 11kgs and she's 6kg now) my husband made a comment "soon we have to buy L already." The thought of her growing up so fast before our eyes just gave a lil pinch in my heart. But I'm also anticipating her toddling days!! I can totally imagine her wearing those pretty dresses she has and running around. Too cute I can dieeeeee. 

My precious baby G, mummy and daddy has got so much love for you. We may not be perfect parents but I assure you we will do our best and give you the best. You have fought hard for your life and life will continue to get hard as you grow up. But always remember that mummy, daddy and your family will always stand by you and you are never alone. We love you and continue to be amazing our lil angel.