So after the constant battle of going back and forth and back and forth... And having a mini discussion with other mummies I've decided to decline the job offer. I thought I would regret my decision but after emailing them to decline I actually felt more relief. I was quite stress with making this decision. But I'm so thankful my husband is so supportive of my decision.
Anyways on to another topic of discussion... Breastfeeding (I realise I talk aboht breastfeeding a lot on my blog. Haha)
Yes this is a picture of me breastfeeding baby G. She has successfully latched on my right and I was so proud I had to take a picture. And she's so smart. She knows how to cover up and nurse discreetly. Haha
So just yesterday another fellow young mummy casually blogged about her abundant supply of milk just after a few days of giving birth. And then of course the breastfeeding mummies have to have a say about it. Saying it's impossible... She's lying... She's boasting. Like seriously!!? Okay mind you these are mummies wayyyyy older than the victim and myself. Why be such a bully to such an amazing experience of motherhood? And come on we are all mummies. Shouldn't we support one another? And especially on the topic of breastfeeding. Breastfeeding is not easy at all. Be it whether you latch or exclusively pump, it takes a lot of commitment, time and effort! I know many young mummies around my age or younger who give up on breastfeeding because they can't take the pain, don't wanna give up their sleep or fear saggy boobs (yes I've asked many young mummies and these are their replies). So when a fellow young mummy who takes on the breastfeeding route... I feel super happy for them!
Okay there are 3 groups of mothers: the young, the "appropriate" age group and the older ones. From what I know, the young mothers group has the least amount of breastfeeding mummies. And honestly these young mummies who don't go the breastfeeding route is mainly for the fear of unflattering boobs. Whatever to each it's own. And I honestly feel proud whenever my husband comes back and tell me "so and so's wife gave up breastfeeding within a few days." And these are mummies older than I am.
Being a mother is hard as it is. Add on breast feeding can get very hectic. So we all need support and not to be put down or jealous just because another mother is producing more. At the end of the day it isn't a competition as to who produces more. As long as you can provide some form of breast milk to your child that's what is important.
On to baby G.. She always wakes up around 7-8am in the cheeriest of mood. This morning after daddy fed her I was carrying her to pass her to my mum as daddy had to leave for work and I had to pump. She was so chatty and smiley. Then I told my husband "she's going to laugh very soon. I can feel it!! And I'm not going to miss it." Then my husband goes "you will miss it." The next instant she starts laughing!! OMG it was the oddest laughter I ever heard but it was still super cute and magical! I'm glad we both got to witness this milestone of hers.
So I've been trying to get her to laugh all day but she just won't do it. I really don't know if her flipping and laughter are all coincidence cause she just won't do it again. Oh wells anyways she's still so young! (2mths and 29days corrected which we use to track her milestones).
"I don't understand all the hoohaa about milk production. Who cares as long as I get fed!" -Baby G
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