Tuesday, 16 September 2014

5mths and a day (corrected: 2mths and 21days)

Yesterday marked baby G's 5mths!! Can't believe how time is flying by!! From a tiny little fragile baby who had so many uncertainties to a strong Michelin like baby!! I'm still in awe how strong this little being is. She has brought so much happiness to our family and there's no other person in this world I will love more than baby G. 

Some have asked me when I will have baby number 2. But honestly having her was already a blessing itself and because of my medical condition no one knew if I could even conceive. So even if baby G is the only child I can have it's okay(: I'm more than happy and that way all my love and attention can be devoted to her. I always planned for 2 kids the most and I would wish to give her a sibling. But because I had such a difficult pregnancy and my gynae said I still have a 50/50 of not being able to carry the next baby to full term. So we shall seeeeee 

Milestones so far: 
-she's about to flip 
-she rotates in her sleep (she will be sleeping horizontally and when we wake up in the morning she's vertical) 
-she has no successfully latched on to both the right and left boob!! Yay(: 
-her head control is much stronger too 
-now she can go as long as 9hrs without milk. That means we are able to sleep through the night already! Yay(: 
-she's over 6kgs now 
-she's able to go to bed on her own (she used to need to be rocked to sleep or suck her pacifier but now she just makes noise but it tires her out and she will fall asleep) 
-she now smiles whenever she see you.. And she's super talkative!

Happy 5mths n a day my little princess! 

N here's a crying pitiful face. Hahaha too cute I can die!! 

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