Friday, 12 September 2014

Thoughts at 2.30am

-wide awake. Idk y 
-I've been eating like a glutton these past week!! Like my appetite is even bigger than my husband's!! OMG pls kill me 
-thankfully I'm not putting on the weight still. Gotta thank breastfeeding seriously! If not I can't imagine how puffy I would become from all this binge eating 
-like seriously I can eat a full meal but still munch on crap after (eg: chocolate is my GO TO.. Chips... Cake... Cookies (hahaha all starts with C) fruits... Bubble tea.. Bread OMG jus murder me seriously 
-my husband is being annoying. He's sleeping horizontally which means I can't straighten my legs 
-so I decided to put my legs horizontally too at his face (just picture how we are sleeping now. It's pretty hilarious and odd) 
-have been successfully latching baby G for the past week! So yay to us!! 
-n she finally managed to latch on the right boob too!! Double yay 
-my dog mochi is super funny. He got scolded by daddy today and he was so scared to come into the room and sleep. I had to carry him in and he won't dare come onto the bed too until daddy calls him. LOL 
-bullet is too in love with baby G seriously! He always has to check on her and get right up her face 
-have plans to head to town later but by the looks of it I'm going to be too tired and I would definitely wanna catch up on my sleep. So hmmm 
-I'm alreadying thinking about what I should eat for dinner later -.- see how pig like I am now!! 
-I found the most inspiring woman on Instagram just now. I really just wanna hug her if I could. She had difficulties getting pregnant and when she did she had twins. But she had complications and she lost one twin. She gave birth to the other baby at 23weeks and she weighed 480g!!! I have so much respect for this mother and daughter! 
-after reading such stories I always just wanna cuddle baby G immediately. (But not now since my 2 dogs are sleeping right next to me and we still havnt allowed them to sleep with her. Plus it's already warm enough in bed with these 2 furballs) 
-I really feel like kicking my husband in the face now. Haha 
-I should really sleep now 
-should I watch my Korean drama? (Ps I DO NOT watch Korean drama but decided to watch this one since it's about an autistic doctor. I still find Koreans rather vulgar and so rough in the way they speak) 

Ok bye.. 

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