Tuesday, 29 April 2014

31 days n 5 days/2wks old: baby blues

This pic basically sums up my mood today. "Leave me alone pls". Even my daughter noes hw mummy is feeling. 

Feeling super hormonal today. I can jus burst into tears suddenly or feel super pissy n grumpy abt every lil small thing. Of course seeing my precious lil angel makes me feel better but today I had moments of sadness when I saw her.

Every parent upon delivering their child gets to hold, smell n kiss their precious angel. I was knocked out completely n I didn't even hav a chance to hold her. I was like 1 of the last few people to actually see her. It jus dawned on me hw miserable this feeling is; nt being able to hold ur own baby. Esp for me since my pregnancy wasn't easy at all. All I dreamed abt n wat kept me gg is the moment when I get to finally hold my child in my arms. It's been 2 wks n all I've done is touch her. I can't get close to her cuz she's in a box. I feel so fail as a parent. 

But then again... Technically she's nt even out yet. If she had stayed in my belly like most babies do n reached full term... She would be 31wks n 5 days which meant I would hav another 8 wks n 2 days to even see her.

N most preemie parents wait abt a mth be4 they hold their baby (kangaroo them). I guess today I'm jus feeling super down n running out of patience. Like I want so badly to hold her, take her home, kiss her n be by her side 24/7. 

Hopefully it's another 4 wks till she needs to stay at the hospital. She's 1260g today, an increase of 45g frm yesterday. So I onli pray her weight increases drastically n she can breathe independently. 

"The best things are worth the wait." 

31wks n 5 days/2wks old

My husband getting shaved by Ian be4 starting on his tattoo. Some professional salon treatment he's getting! LOL
Pegasus to celebrate the birth of baby gwyn as she's born in the yr of the horse(: thrs gonna be an Aries sign added at the bottom as tts her horoscope. 
My mum had her baptism on Saturday so she's a catholic nw. 

Baby gwyn is nw exactly 2wks old!!! Most of her tubes are out of here (except the feeding one tt goes into her stomach n the one tt gives her nutrients n extra stuffs to make her grow). She's nw on 12ml of breast milk each time 8 times a day! They've been increasing her feed so much more almost everyday(: glad she's taking my milk veri well. She onli weighs 1215g though. So pls pls pray for her tt her weight goes up so she can faster come home wif us! Other than tt she's realli doing greAt(: 

Her personality has started to show quite a bit n everyday she jus somehow looks different. 

Baby gwyn made a funni weird stretch tt made her butt perk up. So daddy went "wat are u doing?" N she stuck out her thumb signaling a "I'm gd." Sign. Hahaha it was so hilarious! 

Then daddy was talking to her n calling her name "Gwyneth" n she actually smiled! When he called her chinese name "Guan He" she actually stuck her tongue out in a super adorbs n cheeky way. My husband n I seriously had a gd laugh (I will get to the reason n meaning behind her full name in anther post) 

Post partum 12 days after giving birth to baby gwyn via c section (: I bounced back reali fast despite still eating quite a bit. Must thank my masseur for massaging my waistline n flat tummy back! I'm nw 45kgs (lost 1kg frm my pre pregnancy weight) 

I simply love staring at my princess all day. Even though she's sleeping... She has the funniest sleeping positions ever! N sometimes if we are lucky, we will catch her smiling(: 

Jus today my mummy was standing outside the window looking at baby gwyn n these strangers came to take a look at her too. Even they said she's a beautiful baby(: 

Like yesterday we finally managed to catch a glimpse of her cute tiny beady eyes for a second! She kept making funni movements wif her eyes like she realli wants to open them. So I kept talking n coaxing her n she finally gave in to mummy's pleas n opened them! I had to literally stare at her for 10mins wif my camera at her face so I won't miss this moment! 

N then she flashed the cutest lil smile while I was talking to her. This pic melts our hearts every time we see it. Such pure happiness n simplicity. 

Tts pretty much it for nw. Yea u notice I'm nt being confined like other pregnant women. Well this is the life of a preemie's mummy. My days fly by realli quickly actually so thank goodness. But it's all abt pumping milk out every 4-6hrs n making trips to the hospital to deliver n spend time wif our princess. Realli can't wait to take her home!! Hopefully it's onli another 4wks. *prays*

Friday, 25 April 2014

31wks n 1 day/a wk n 3 days old: flu bug

Down wif a horrible flu which my husband passed to me. Nw 1/2 my hse is sick. Worse part I can't take medications on my own cuz I'm breastfeeding. Feels like being pregnant all over again cuz I still hav to be so careful wif wat I eat since baby is taking watever I eat. I'm feeling super horrible nw. Can't breathe... Can't taste watever I'm eating... Coughing... I hav so much mucus I didn't think it was humanly possible. 

I decided to take my usual drowsy flu meds but "pumped n dumped" my milk. Which means it won't be given to baby gwyn since I'm scared it would contain residue of my meds. N my husband thinks I hav too much milk tt I can afford to dump my milk. So I started googling wat can I use breast milk for cuz it's realli such a waste to throw my hard earned milk away. 

Usage of breast milk: 
1) treatment for acne 
2) make up remover 
3) get rid of diaper rash 
4) prevent diaper rash 
5) itch frm chicken pox 
6) treatment of conjunctivitis 
7) treatment of sore throat; gargle wif it 
8) treatment of colds/flus; drink it 
9) acts as a birth control; while breast feeding it is harder to get pregnant 
10) treatment of sun burns 

Thrs realli a lot of uses but yeaaaa. So I intend to use it to cleanse my face. Apparently it's realli realli gd for hydrating skin. 

Update on baby gwyn: 
She's 1290g today!!!! Whooooo (: nurses say her weight may drop cuz it's too much of an increase but we are praying nt. Frm experiences I heard frm other preemie mummies, their babies go home at 1.8-2kgs. So I'm praying she's jus gonna increase in her weight n nt drop. She looks plumper nw n is so much cuter each day!!! Ive fallen so madly in love wif her. 

Currently at the tattoo shop nw. I realli shouldn't hav come cuz I'm laughing too much my wound actually hurts!! Plus I'm coughing too. Fun times though. The husband is doing a piece to represent baby gwyn. Can't wait to see the piece. 

Still so dam bloody sick. Yawnsssss 

Thursday, 24 April 2014

31wks: a wk n 2 days old

It's nw 4.30am n I'm sitting on my bed pumping milk frm my 2nd boob. It's been a wk since I started breast feeding n my boobs are realli used to it. My milk flow is crazy a lot tt my husband complains nw cuz we are running out of storage space soon. But my body isn't used to it. I'm so so tired cuz I need to pump every 4-6hrs.

My daily schedule: 
4ish am: Pump for 30-40mins, wash n sterilize bottles, go back to bed. 
9am: Wake up to shower n pump 
10am: post natal massage 
11ish am: early lunch 
1ish pm: hospital to visit baby gwyn n deliver milk 

My body is realli tired. Well at least I rested the past few mths (though it wasn't as restful as I wished it was cuz of the many complications I had but better than nth). N this is jus the beginning of things!! So we are both trying to adjust to this whole waking up in the middle of the nite thing. Initially my husband wakes up wif me n pumps wif me n all. But nw I jus do it myself cuz I don't wanna wake him up. Nw he gets a "free pass" when baby gwyn comes home he's doing all the wee hr feedings! Muahahahahahahaha 

Update on baby gwyn: 
She's progressing veri well everyday still. She has gained 40g as of date. Lesser tubes connected to her. Being fed 3ml every 4hrs. Moves a lot in her sleep! (So nw I noe wat she has been doing in my belly for the past 7mths. Her kicks/punches were realli strong!!) pees n poos regularly. All the initial testings hav come out gd! She has a few episodes whereby she would be in such a deep sleep she forgets to breathe. A couple of times I was thr n I panicked. I would hav a meltdown after. My husband would hav to calm me down. Thankfully for the past 2days she hasn't had such episodes which puts my mind at ease. She's still stuck at the hospital cuz she hasn't hit the 2kg mark yet. Once she hits it I believe she will be home wif us. So my husband n I calculated on average if she puts on 30g everyday.. She will be home in another 4-5wks which is wat we estimated too. So baby gwyn pls keep taking my milk n put on weight!!! 

I got these breast cups frm the baby fair n wear them at home cuz realli they look funni. But this helps collects excess milk tt drips instead of wearing the breast pads which soaks it up. Like abt 2hrs this cup is 1/2 full! Yea imagine my milk flow. I'm realli a mother cow. 
My milk flow on average each time is abt 120ml to 150ml. I must say I'm quite proud of it! Haha 

Taken yesterday (23/4). She has the funniest sleeping positions ever n she loves to place her hands on her face. Haha 
My heart simply melts whenever she grabs my finger so tightly n won't let go. She's such a sweetheart. 

Ok back to bed I gooooo. Both the husband n I are down wif a sensitive nose. Hav to be ultra careful these days since we don't wanna infect baby gwyn wif anything. I guess it's the weird weather n lack of sleep tt caused it. Yawnsssss 

Monday, 21 April 2014

30wks n 6 days: baby fair

Im finally back home! I still hav my staples on my wound n still walking like a duck n screaming in pain once in a while but it's gd to be home. I hav missed my other children so much too. N my husband told me moch was sad when I wasn't home. But of course I'm missing my precious princess so much!! She used to jus be a floor above me but nw she's jus so far away :( we always look forward to see her n at nite my husband n I will go through her pics n videos over n over again be4 we go to bed cuz we jus miss her so much!! We are counting down till the day we can bring her home! 

It's day 1 of initializing a routine for both of us. Which means waking up in the middle of the nite n all. I hav to pump milk out every 4-6hrs. N it's honestly veri tiring. This morning we woke up at 5.45am to pump milk n we were actually late by 2hrs which resulted in my record high milk collection! LOL yes we were mad tired but it was such an accomplishment! 

My husband has been super involved in this whole pumping milk thingy n im super thankful for him. Makes milk pumping a lot easier n at least we are both tired at the same time. Haha 

Then we decided to make breakfast n get ready for Easter Sunday church service. It's realli gd to be back at church esp after going through such an ordeal on Tuesday. God has been realli amazing in watching over our baby. She's doing so so well everyday n it's all by God's grace. Though thrs one belief I choose nt to follow by this church. Oh wells... It's a church I've grew up in all my life n we hav yet to find any church whr we are comfy. So we shall see whr our spiritual journey takes us. 

Made our way to the hospital after cuz they called me to inform me baby gwyn is being put back on my milk so they needed supplies. They are slowly introducing milk to her so I pray pray she takes it well since I'm expressing out so much n breast milk is always the best nutrient a preemie can get! 

K when I got thr I had a freakin heart attack. Her monitor tt shows her heart beat n all dropped to an all time low tt a warning sign started flashing. I was in too much shock to call for help but after 10secs I snapped out of it n in an angry tone "why is my baby's heart beat so low!?" I was honestly mad at tt point cuz the nurses took a while to respond to her!!! Imagine if I wasn't thr! OMG I don't even dare imagine. Turns out baby gwyn was sleeping too soundly n she forgot to breathe tts y her heart rate dropped. Thankfully all u had to do was shake her to wake her up a bit to remind her to breathe. But seriously I wanted to kill someone then. 

N then off to lunch we went. Despite supposedly being on confinement n still recovering frm my c sec... I decided tt we must go check out the baby fair out. I'm so glad I managed to convince my husband cuz we had a blast!! 

We managed to get 80% of the things we wanted n at such gd deals!! Becuz baby gwyn came as a surprise.. We are totally nt prepared for her at all. Like we havnt bought much stuffs yet so today daddy n mummy went a bit nuts n spoilt our princess rotten. LOL so excited nv can't wait for her to come home n use these things!!! 

Then after spending a bomb n lugging everything to the car, we went back to the hospital to see our princess again(: it's honestly so hard to leave her every time :( 
I'm currently so poofed out frm today but I still need to pump. I feel so sorri to hav to wake my husband up but no choice we are in this together. When she comes home it's gonna be like this so we are practicing nw so our bodies will get used to the interrupted nites. But we will do anything for our precious princess (: 

Saturday, 19 April 2014

30wks n 2days: a mother's love

I'm warded with 3 other mummies. 1 had a smooth natural delivery. Another had a c section too but I think baby is upstairs at nicu I'm nt too sure why. Another mummy... Well she's the reason why I'm writing this post. 

She has 2 kids... Elder one a boy who is in primary skool. The 2nd a girl in child care. She had a 3rd child. But unfortunately lost her life at week 25. And now she's pregnant with baby number 4. It's a boy. All her children are preemies. It's Becuz she suffers frm preeclampsia (the one fourfeetnine) suffered from too. She's currently 26weeks n fighting to keep baby number 4 in as long as she can. Baby number 4 is onli 500g... N he's not getting enough nutrients from mummy cuz thrs something wrong wif her placenta. So for baby to put on weight it's veri difficult. 

Preeclampsia is a condition caused by high blood pressure. U swell up so badly... Ur body can go into a stroke if ur blood pressure is too high.. Basically it's dangerous for both mummy and baby. But she's such an optimistic mummy. I can't imagine what she's going through right nw. But I noe she puts baby number 4 be4 her own life first. 

I hav such respect for her courage and selflessly. And she has given me such hope whenever I see her both once preemie children running up n down the ward. She has the experience with such children n I'm glad I was able to hear her story. This realli comforts me a lot whenever I get worried over baby Gwyn. I guess when u become a mother... Ur child becomes ur top priority. Everything else doesn't matter. 

Before I was wheeled in to surgery.. My husband took my hand n told me "if anything would happen and I hav to decide if it's baby or u... U noe who I will pick rite?" We had this convo many yrs be4 while we were dating. To him nth is more important than my life. He said if I died Becuz of child labour it would be meaningless to bring up a child wifout his/her mother n he would resent the child. Praise The Lord no complications happened n we both made it. But deep down I always knew I would pick baby over me. I carried this life in me for 7mths (supposedly 10mths). I suffered so much n to come out wif nth at the end of the day I would be so devastated. So idk n dun wanna noe wat it feels like to lose a child. Cuz I would probably go into depression n then die. 

This is a mother's love and sacrifice. Something I finally understand myself n I thank The Lord for blessing me with a forgiving, loving, selfless n amazing mum. I hope to be jus as amazing as her too.  

Friday, 18 April 2014

30wks n 1 day: happy Good Friday all

Happy Good Friday all. On this day i would like to give thanks to The Lord who sacrificed his life for ours. He has been watching over mine n baby Gwyn's life so closely over these past few mths. Hes Our great God for even blessing us with baby Gwyn frm the veri beginning. And now Hes granted her with such a strong fighting spirit and keeping her progress so steady everyday. So Thank you Our Heavenly Father for all that you have done for us. 

Nothing much to report today just that she's doing steadily well. We went to see her a bit late today after she was fed n think she was havin a food coma. Totally passed out (jus like hw her parents are haha). Yesterday something magical happened. Her tiny lil hands were open so I put my finger thr n she actually grabbed it!!! It's a milestone some full term babies take a while to achieve but she did at 30wks old!!! Proud parents(': always warms my hearts whenever I see her. She's so precious n such a sweetheart. Ahhhh I'm jus too in love wif her. We both are. 

Pic taken yesterday. She's such a great poser! LOL future model? 
Mummy's finger 
Daddy's finger 
Taken today. Food coma n resting so peacefully (: 

Thursday, 17 April 2014

30wks: feeling like a cow mooooo

Yesterday the nurses started to get my colostrum out for baby gwyn. It's the 1st nutrients be4 the milk comes out. I always Thot breast feeding was dam easy. But hell no. I'm in so much pain. Gd thing is I hav a lot of milk. Bad my boobs are rock solid all the time n it's so uncomfy!!!! So they hav given me cold cabbage to help soothe my boobs but doesn't seem to be working on me. Hmmm everyone swears by it. 

I call this my liquid gold!! Veri hardwork okay! 

Nt onli am I battling wif my rock hard boobs... But whenever my boobs are stimulated, my uterus gets stimulated too which causes me cramps n more bleeding at my vaginal area. Sighhh n then thrs my surgery scar tt is still so painful. Moving still hurts. But I'm forced to move more so it can help in my recovery. But it's so painful I honestly rather die. I battle wif the nurses when they want to get me to move. It's a nitemare!! 

Today I felt rather sad when I saw baby gwyn. She shrank n she's nt plumpy today. Well they say it's normal for babies to lose weight during the 1st few days of life but my heart realli ached. I noe she's fighting real hard for her life n it jus makes me so sad. Like if onli I could hav done more n kept her in me longer so she won't hav to fight this hard. It realli breaks my heart tt she's suffering at such an early stage. I jus had a meltdown today n I felt like such a horrible mother. 

But she's honestly doing veri well. She's so active n wiggling around her lil incubator. She's a lil jaundice so she's given phototherapy. I jus need to relax n surrender everything to God n my lil warrior. 

I wanna thank everyone who prayed for my family n I cuz these past few days were stressful n traumatizing. It touches us tt so many people care abt our lil warrior. Will keep updating her status here (: 

This was yesterday. She has sleeping patterns like her daddy n mummy. Too cute 
Under phototherapy. 

Wednesday, 16 April 2014

29wks n 6dayz: post labour

It's nw 2.15am n I'm drifting in n out of my sleep. I'm still super groggy frm my op n sore at my abdomen area cuz of the cut but I got disturbingly woken up by the lady next to me who decided to poop by her bed n it's stinking up the ward -.- nw I realli wish thr was availability for a single ward. Grrrrrr 

Shall write abt my labour story then since it's still fresh in my head still. 

At abt 3plus I was pushed into the operating theatre. Sean wasn't allowed in wif me since it was an emergency case. I was honestly quite upset tt I would be alone in such a foreign place wif so many strangers. But he reassured me tt everything will be ok. He kissed me gdbye n off I went. 

Thr were so many people in the op theatre wif me. It was honestly a culture shock for me. Soon I was being hooked up to machines... Was given a general anesthesia instead of a epidural cuz my surgery was a special one due to my medical condition. I was rather thankful for tt cuz I hav had general anesthesia n my body responded quite well to tt n I do love the drifty dreamy feeling of it. Hahahaha so I was knocked out n by 6.30 I had woken up n was recovering in another room 

At this point I was still alone n so unsure if I had delivered already. I was numb everywhr n couldn't see my tummy. Until a nurse came in to tell me I jus had my c sec then I knew it was all over. I was so eager to see my lil princess but nt today since I'm so weak n tired.  

I got wheeled up to my ward n was still alone -.- took a while till I saw my husband n family Becuz they went to see lil baby. 

Here's the first few pics of baby Gwyneth Hope Yang. 

She even sleeps like a daddy!! LOL

The incubator she will be in for a while
Poor lil one wif so many tubes in her. This morn Sean had a break down cuz the baby doc came in to tell her wat we would expect wif a preemie n he did mention tubes will be running in n out of her n he went into distress n concerned daddy mode. But he said after seeing her like this it wasn't so bad. She's honestly bigger than I expected her to be!! She's onli 1.3kgs but she's a pretty long baby. Her skin is a healthy pink n looks so smooth. Gotta thank the birds nest my MIL brewed for me to drink n my dad buying preminium birds nest too. N the chick essence my mum boils for me every wk (: most preemies are scrawny n rat looking but Gwyn jus looks so healthy! Many people who hav seen her pic hav commented n said she doesn't look like a preemie at all n she's beautiful (I'm nt being a bias mother jus Becuz she's mine but realli!!) lol

Ok back to bed I go! Can't wait to wake up n see her (: 

Tuesday, 15 April 2014

29 wks n 5 days: the start of labour

Currently in the labour ward nw waiting to get my c section done. Yeps baby is coming out today n I'm onli 29wks n 4days. 

We rushed to the hospital at 3am when I woke up at 2.30 to find a huge blood clot n blood on my underwear. At tt point my heart stopped n I jus cried. I quickly cleaned myself up n went to the room to wake my husband up. I told him "we need to go to the hospital nw." In his dazed n groggy state he said "huh wad?" Then I showed him my pregnancy pillow which was covered in a pool of blood also. He went "OMG!" N quickly jumped out of bed n packed my stuff n off we went. 

I was hooked up on machines to monitor baby n by 5ish I was admitted. Gave me a steroid shot to help mature baby's lungs n tt hurt like a bitch. I was given an IV drip... Antibiotics n meds to slow down contractions. 

N then around 9ish they took me to get an ultrasound n they said baby is realli dam low. At tt point I was still gushing out blood. They wheeled me back to my room n I had a slight cramp n poof I had an anxiety attack. Cuz somehow every doc n nurse was wif me n they told me not to push. They wheeled the incubator n all those baby equipment in n thr I was lying thr in shock. I'm gg to deliver this baby today!!!? I quickly called my husband cuz he left me for a while n he rushed back. I was in sheer shock n panic cuz I'm jus nt ready! She's nt ready! I'm nt ready for a surgery!! Anxiety n stress kicked in. N I dunno wat to expect frm all this. 

Amongst all this panic n worry I had... My husband has been great. He's been saying prayers, holding my hand, reassuring me countless times tt everything n she will be ok n worshipping God. I'm so thankful for him. The onli thing tt made me stress again was tt he isn't allowed in the operating theatre wif me since I'm a high risk n emergency case. I jus don't like being alone. 

It's nw 1.27pm n my c sec will be soon. I will get to see my lil princess soon n I cannot be happier though she's so small still. Pls keep us in ur prayers. This has been such a crazy journey n experience for Sean n I. I've definitely seen a side of him today I've nv seen before n I'm greatly touched by it. I love u so much daddy. 

I had planned to get eyelash extensions n put make up n look more glam than this when welcoming my baby pls!! Sighh this is so depressing. Both my husband n I are so cui looking. We are sorry baby but we realli weren't expecting u this early so we are so unprepared!! 

Thursday, 10 April 2014

29wks today!!

I'm officially 29wks today!! Every wk I reach is an added bonus n accomplishment I feel. Cuz our goal is to keep her in as long as we can. So I always feel an accomplishment when she has made it another wk! Yay (: 

Nth much to write abt today jus tt I went dim sum lunch wif my mummy, mum in law, aunties in law n cousin in law today. It was honestly fun n I shall arrange such meetings once every mth! Family is always bliss 

Ok so on wkdays we are at my husband's place rite... N thrs this neighbor tt perpetually sounds his/her horn 3 times whenever he/she drives by. It's between 12-1am n we will hear these 3 horns. Hahaha it's like we hav to hear the horns then we can sleep. Wtf rite!! M when he/she is late, we will wondering wat happened. Hahahahaha it's like our lil cheap thrill when we stay at his place. Funni thing it happens every nite wifout fail between 12-1am!! Dunno if it's creepy or wad but we find it sooooo amusing n we will jus burst out laughing when we hear the horns! Hahaha 

Ok dam random. Time for bed nw! 

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

28wks n 5 days

I've finally entered my 3rd n final trimester!!! Whooopppee (happy dance) n in no time I get to see n hold my lil princess who has been cooking in my oven for 10mths!!! Realli excited! Cuz my husband n I do talk abt wat she will be like... Hw she will react around us (cuz realli all parents are embarrassing to their kids rite?) hahaha who she will be become n all. So yea the anticipation of her growing yrs are all so exciting!! 

Wif the onset of my 3rd trimester comes new symptoms: 

-I've been having this tingling weird pain which travels down my left butt to my leg. N then I found out it could be sciatica. Which is caused by baby sitting on some part of ur lower back nerve n sends this weird tingling sensation down ur leg. It's something like a cramp/muscle pull but it's such a funni feeling idk hw to describe it! N i always laugh when it hits me cuz it does feel kinda funni too. 

Calf cramps 
-n then some mornings I get up wif calf cramps but onli happens on my rite leg. So I hav sciatica on my left leg n cramps on my rite -,- but it goes away within seconds so tts nt too bad 

Growing pains 
-it's coming back to haunt me again. For a while when I recovered frm my recent UTI, my belly was less hard n bloated. But nw I've been forcing myself to eat more n all so she will put on weight n get to the ideal healthy weight range... My growing pains are back n my belly has gotten real hard n bloated again. It's a gd sign la which means she's growing. But somehow my weight is still the same -.- so idk man... Realli hope she's put on weight n went past the 1kg mark 

Dry skin 
-this jus hit me this morning. Sigh... My skin is still gd n all jus the dryness annoys me!! My skin peels around my nose area n forehead. N many hav asked me if I'm jus so fair or pale cuz I seem to hav gotten super fair n all. Well idk... I realli need some color in my skin cuz I'm honestly like a white ghost. Many girls want tt super fair baby skin n spend money on whitening products. Mine is jus natural. If I stay out of the sun too long... My complexion jus goes to a sheet white color -.- 

Hmm I guess tts abt it for nw. Will update again if any new symptoms come up. Oh yea my baby is one feisty lil chicka I tell u! Whenever I'm sleeping n she's nt happy wif my position (think I'm pressing onto her certain part of the body), she will kick/push me so hard to signal me to move. N if I don't move she will jus keep wiggling around n all! My goodness... My husband says she's veri fierce. Hahaha 

My 28wks n 4 days baby bump. I'm nw 51kgs n my waist is 31.5inches. 
Shall end this post wif a pic of my husband who stole my pregnancy pillow -.- u should see our bed at my place. It has a freakin pillow fortress! 

Saturday, 5 April 2014

Our love story part 2

N then I realised I didn't write abt hw he asked me to be his gf -.- silly me 

After meeting for the 1st time n waiting for him to MSG him... We planned a Wednesday nite to go to Zouk. I was 17 then. So together wif all his guy frens n my best fren n this other girl we headed to zouk together. 

I think my 1st physical touch wif Sean was when we were walking into zouk. U noe like hw clubs are so crowded rite... So I took tt chance to jus grab his arm while we were walking in. HAHA! So yea wif alcohol, gd music n frens of course things will get a lil crazy. Basically we nv left sight of each other all nite n we were realli close. Shared our 1st kiss thr (n a lot more kisses) n it was a realli great nite. 

The next day was the eve of new yrs. So obviously we spent it together. We went on our official 1st date wifout frens wif us. I rmb being realli anxious while making my way to meet him at somerset mrt. When I saw him my heart was jus beating super fast!! Lol! Caught 'Alvin n the chipmunks 2' (n nw when I ask him to watch such shows wif me he would say no. Pffttt) had japanese food where we chatted n realli got to noe each other a lot. I was an open book to him. Told him things I nv expect myself to tell anyone. N I'm glad he could accept me for me. He didn't mind the messy n colourful past I had. I guess tts y we work. Cuz we were both honest frm the veri beginning n we both could accept tt n move on frm each others' past. After dinz we went to liquid kitchen at gardens to meet his frens for countdown. 

As usual wif alcohol n frens things got crazy... Again. At the stroke of midnight, he asked me to be his gf. Yea we were incredibly high at tt point n he jus leaned over n asked "will u be my gf?" Hw cliche n cheeseball was tt but I was realli happy tt nite. Then mr Darren tan decided tt Becuz we were the new couple we had to drink. Yea he ordered B151 which absolutely killed us! (Oh btw we made an agreement tt B151 was our countdown drink every yr but Pffttt it nv happened again. Until last yr -.-) 

When our nite ended... I sat by the road side outside liquid kitchen n puked watever I ate n drank out. N Becuz we were drunk n stupid already... After I puked Sean still kissed me. This is 1 thing everyone still brings up cuz we were tt disgusting. Hahahaha. He wanted to send me home but he was seriously to dead to. I somehow managed to make my way home on my own n tt was my start of 2010. 

Back then be4 he asked me to be his gf... 

It's 2014 nw... 4yrs later n we are expecting our 1st kid together. I've nv been more happy in my life. Somehow frm day 1 we both jus knew tt we want to spend the rest of our lives together. Plus it's realli nt by chance tt we met. Cuz did u noe we actually went to the same tumble tots skool, kindergarden, church n high school in Australia! But Becuz he's 5yrs older than me we nv met at all! Somehow amidst this chaotic n populated world, we still managed to meet. Honestly sometimes I find it surreal tt I married the love of my life n we hav come this far n will hav many more adventures for the rest of our lives together. I'm jus realli lucky (: 

Thursday, 3 April 2014

Our love story (a very short version)

Today is a Thursday n we are FINALLY in our 3rd n final trimester!!!! I'm 28wks today. OMG 2nd trimester was long, hard n horrible. A lot of tears were shed. So I pray pray pray 3rd tri will be kinder to me. Plsssssss 

So backtrack to 2010 when I met Sean. Cut the story short, my gf frm Aussie was meeting her fren frm Aussie while on vacation in Singapore. So I decided to tag along n met these 3 other guys (Shaun ho, Darren n Ben) so yea I knew these 3 monkeys be4 I knew Sean. We chatted n they described Sean to me (buff, tan, gyms a lot) n asked if I wanna meet him. In my mind I was picturing some short, overly buff n storky guy! Haha 

So Sunday came n we met at bugis. I've realli nv been on a blind date blind date be4 so it was a totally foreign experience. Can't rmb hw I was feeling but yea. Saw him n was thankful he's totally opposite frm wat I imvisioned. Hahahahaha so we went to haji lane n shisha n got to noe each other more. This ego person even showed me his abs n chest (k he showed me his chest cuz of his tattoo) on tt veri day! LOL my gf somehw managed to grab both our fones n keyed our numbers in so thr was no awkwardness of asking me for my number. He was real sweet. He opened the car door for me, pull out my chair n peeled prawns for me. I Thot such gentleman didn't exist anymore but I was wrong. So tt def gave him some plus points. 

Waited a few days n he texted. Haha he thinks he waited 3 days to MSG me but I realli can't rmb. I jus rmb smiling like some idiot when he 1st msged me. N thr the rest is history.... 

Our veri 1st pic together at zouk n we shared our 1st kiss thr. Tts another funni story cuz I wasn't even suppose to be at zouk. Haha! 
He had to travel quite a bit when we were jus a few wks old for work. This was the day he surprised me early in the morning at my door step when he got back (: 
Our 1st mth n my 1st bouquet frm him 
We went to the shisha place whr we 1st met each other. 
He found out he needed to travel for work again jus when he got back n he got me a promise ring. It has 3 stars like the Orion's Belt. He told me no matter hw far we are frm each other... We will be looking at the same sky every nite. Awww
N then he told me he wanted a dog so I went to search for a dog. This was the day we picked our baby mochi up. 
Staycation at RWS
He noes I love balloons so he delivered this huge bunch to my place wifout me knowing. N when I got home after my drunk 18th bday at Zirca I was pleasantly surprised! The balloon even sang okay! 
18th bday at Zirca 
His 23rd bday 
His gd fren's wedding whr he was a sword bearer. N finally this yr it was his turn to be the groom n his fren to be his sword bearer! Haha
1.5yrs mthsary n I baked him cupcakes (; 
Our 2nd yr together n he took me to Dozo. 
1st trip to hk
2013's chinese new yr. N we added a new addition to our family: bullet 
N my 21st bday last October 

As u can see our 1st yr was full of pics. I made it a point to take pics every mth n managed to do up a collage for him for our 1st ur anniversary. Then I got lazy n our pics jus got lesser. Nw tt shall nt happen anymore once I get my hands on a new camera!! Ahhhh can't wait for it to launch!!! Plus it's to document our daughter's life too (: 

Still hav jan n feb to blog abt. N our wedding. For nw it's time for bed. My lil princess in my tummy is uber active at nite!! I swear she's violent too cuz her kicks/punches actually hurt sometimes!