Im finally back home! I still hav my staples on my wound n still walking like a duck n screaming in pain once in a while but it's gd to be home. I hav missed my other children so much too. N my husband told me moch was sad when I wasn't home. But of course I'm missing my precious princess so much!! She used to jus be a floor above me but nw she's jus so far away :( we always look forward to see her n at nite my husband n I will go through her pics n videos over n over again be4 we go to bed cuz we jus miss her so much!! We are counting down till the day we can bring her home!
It's day 1 of initializing a routine for both of us. Which means waking up in the middle of the nite n all. I hav to pump milk out every 4-6hrs. N it's honestly veri tiring. This morning we woke up at 5.45am to pump milk n we were actually late by 2hrs which resulted in my record high milk collection! LOL yes we were mad tired but it was such an accomplishment!
My husband has been super involved in this whole pumping milk thingy n im super thankful for him. Makes milk pumping a lot easier n at least we are both tired at the same time. Haha
Then we decided to make breakfast n get ready for Easter Sunday church service. It's realli gd to be back at church esp after going through such an ordeal on Tuesday. God has been realli amazing in watching over our baby. She's doing so so well everyday n it's all by God's grace. Though thrs one belief I choose nt to follow by this church. Oh wells... It's a church I've grew up in all my life n we hav yet to find any church whr we are comfy. So we shall see whr our spiritual journey takes us.
Made our way to the hospital after cuz they called me to inform me baby gwyn is being put back on my milk so they needed supplies. They are slowly introducing milk to her so I pray pray she takes it well since I'm expressing out so much n breast milk is always the best nutrient a preemie can get!
K when I got thr I had a freakin heart attack. Her monitor tt shows her heart beat n all dropped to an all time low tt a warning sign started flashing. I was in too much shock to call for help but after 10secs I snapped out of it n in an angry tone "why is my baby's heart beat so low!?" I was honestly mad at tt point cuz the nurses took a while to respond to her!!! Imagine if I wasn't thr! OMG I don't even dare imagine. Turns out baby gwyn was sleeping too soundly n she forgot to breathe tts y her heart rate dropped. Thankfully all u had to do was shake her to wake her up a bit to remind her to breathe. But seriously I wanted to kill someone then.
N then off to lunch we went. Despite supposedly being on confinement n still recovering frm my c sec... I decided tt we must go check out the baby fair out. I'm so glad I managed to convince my husband cuz we had a blast!!
We managed to get 80% of the things we wanted n at such gd deals!! Becuz baby gwyn came as a surprise.. We are totally nt prepared for her at all. Like we havnt bought much stuffs yet so today daddy n mummy went a bit nuts n spoilt our princess rotten. LOL so excited nv can't wait for her to come home n use these things!!!
Then after spending a bomb n lugging everything to the car, we went back to the hospital to see our princess again(: it's honestly so hard to leave her every time :( 

I'm currently so poofed out frm today but I still need to pump. I feel so sorri to hav to wake my husband up but no choice we are in this together. When she comes home it's gonna be like this so we are practicing nw so our bodies will get used to the interrupted nites. But we will do anything for our precious princess (:
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