Wednesday, 5 November 2014

6mth old check up (4mths CA)

Wow havnt blogged in such a long time. I guess nothing much has happened. Everything has been doing so well with G. 

On the 3rd of November G went to sgh for her pd and physio appointment. She's currently 6mths and 21 days (CA 4mths and 10days old as of today). But her pd and physiotherapist says she's reaching her milestones faster than her corrected age (which is the age we use to track her milestones). So developmentally she's a 4-5mth old. Which is super awesome!! So proud of my smarty pants lil girl (: 

-able to sit up on her own for a lil while 
-reach out for toys 
-reach upwards for toys dangling down 
-able to use her hands (at a 60segree angle) to support herself while on her tummy 
-stand up with assistance 
-she's able to focus on her daddy's shrimp tank and is interested in it
-she giggles more often 
-loves looking at herself in the mirror 

And she went for her first swim at the pool on the 2nd of nov!! She loved it so much! Can't wait to go on our weekly swims (: 

Shall post her swimming pics up soon! 

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