Wednesday, 27 August 2014

The battle of the b(r)e(a)st milk

I've noticed many times on breastfeeding Facebook pages the influx of pro breastfeeders condemning mothers who supplement a few feeds with formula. Honestly I think it's time someone stood up for mothers who give formula or just even supplement a few feeds!! 

Look we all know breastmilk is the best for our babies. However some mothers aren't blessed with a good supply for various reasons. So when a comment pops up saying "I give fm for a few feeds" I can just feel the judgemental tones of all these other mothers who then comment "why do you need to give FM?? Just keep latching baby cause your body will automatically make enough milk to support baby's needs" Like excuse me we live in the 21st century where technology and science is so advanced and formula milk is just as good as breastmilk. Every mother makes the decision to give their child whatever they feel fits so what I can't stand is the judgy tone and the way they phrase their comments as if these mothers who choose formula are poisoning their child!!! Like it's ridiculous! At the end of the day, we are still providing some form of milk to our babies and as long as they grow healthily isn't that enough?!

Honestly latching/pumping isn't the life for every mother. It's time consuming and robs away precious time which some mothers just don't have to spare. So obviously they will choose formula where it's jus a few scoops of powder and water and bam milk is done! The thing with exclusive pumping mothers like myself I have to anticipate and judge when she will wake up to drink and warm her milk up so when she wakes up it's ready for her. Many a times when I oversleep I wake up to a screaming baby and I have to let her scream for another additional 5mins while waiting for the milk to heat up. Whereas compared to formula it's ready in less than a minute. 

Then there are those mothers who die die won't give formula. 


"I've got very low supply. Tried fenugreek, oats and power pump but nothing works! How ah?" 

How!? My answer to you is give formula!! Some mothers really suffer from chronic low supply and whatever they do doesn't work. So instead of letting your child get hungry more times a day cause you aren't providing enough just give formula!! Why is it so hard to give formula?! What I see is that the cost isn't the top reason why mothers don't wanna give formula it's more of the "face value". Like breastfeeding mothers are more superior than formula mothers -,- I have witnessed dagger eyes or like you know THAT kind of judgy eyes from the breast feeding mothers whenever a formula mother says "I give formula."  oh please at the end of the day we are all mothers and providing the best for our child. 

And who says breastfed babies are healthier than the formula babies?! Every child's immunity is different and it has nothing to do with breast milk or formula milk. What I don't get is why stress over low supply when the simple solution of formula is just right there!!? 

I havnt been able to breastfeed baby G for the past few days and coming next 2 days cause I'm on antibiotics. I'm giving her my frozen stash which by the way smells rancid and yucky!! I feel so sorry giving her that horrible smelling crap (and really is frozen milk still as nutritious as compared to formula?) so I have also added in a scoop of similac neosure (which is formula milk specially for premature babies which helps boosts their DHA, eyes and brain development). You tell me how "bad" formula milk is when science is so advanced that they are putting a bunch of really good nutrients in formulas today. 

I've breast fed baby G for 4mths and counting now. Even now when I can't give her my milk I'm still pumping to keep up with my supply. Honestly my main reason why I'm still breast feeding it's because I can maintain my weight and eat as much as I want! Hahaha! I've had the thought to stop breastfeeding her sooner than my 1 year mark. Cause I feel I need some sense of normality back in my life (like a constant 10hour sleep/not having to lug my pump out when I'm out and stopping my shopping when I'm out). But I too wanna save $ since breast milk is free and I have the supply so why not right? But if there is a day where my supply jus dries up, I won't be like those frantic stressed out mothers who die die wanna give breast milk. I will just simply give similac formula. Either breast milk or formula, we are still feeding our children. 

That's baby G's cousin Owen who is a formula baby and he's just as plumpy (even plumpier) than some breastfed babies!

Shall do another update of baby G and flood it with pictures in my next post! 

1 comment:

  1. After reading your post, I feel so much better. Have always been battling with that guilt feeling cos I couldn't breastfeed. People have always commented, cos you never latch/pump often & make me feel like I am a bad mum.. Thanks for this post.. Enjoy your breastfeeding journey :D
