Monday, 26 October 2015

Week 29

I'm officially 29wks n 5 days today! The gestation week I gave birth to G and so far baby L has been doing great!! Ever so active kicking and punching me inside. No signs of any early Labour so yay!!!

We celebrated Sean's birthday over the weekend at Crown Plaza hotel cause since we can't travel why not make it seem as if we are! Haha we have staycations every year on Sean's birthday. Last year we didn't take G but we decided to take her this year. She went to Pan Pac with us in Feb to celebrate our wedding anniversary but she was too young to really enjoy or be aware that hotel stays are so fun. Haha this time she was ecstatic!!

Daddy was late at work and I was feeling frustrated being home with her alone so I grabbed our huge ass heavy staycation bag, her diaper bag and toddler, called a cab and made our way down first. Luckily we were at the airport and had trolleys. So I put G on the rectangle bit and other bags on the trolley and off we took a long walk from 1 end of terminal 3 to the hotel which was so stupid cause I could have just stopped right outside the hotel -.- but never she enjoyed her Lil ride.

Checked us in first and the room was honestly not bad(: added to our list of favorite staycation spots! Service was great too! And once we entered the room G was bouncing off the walls! Haha like literally running n climbing up and down the bed, falling right into the fluffy pillows! She was that excited and happy. So cute that made me n daddy laugh so much! She was honestly excited till the time she slept at night!

Took her to play at the Mr Bean indoor playground which I felt was so expensive for such a tiny place but she has been dying to go there since we last went to the airport and walked past it. So this time we decided to let her play to make her happier. And she was so happy laughing and running around in there! Anything to make our Lil princess happy(:

Sean and I were just saying that next year this time we will have another Lil bubba to join us on our staycation adventure! Haha

Anyways I digress.. Suppose to talk about my week 29 symptoms.

-bad back aches
-baby L's movements are so hard that it really hurts me when he/she kicks! And baby likes to kick me really low; many mums miss the kicks and flips about pregnancy but I honestly won't miss it! So painful plsss... And I still feel its a weird and magical feeling
-breathlessness; my asthma has come back. I don't know if its the haze but I'm indoors all the time. But I get super breathless. Like feel like I'm suffocated or wad and not getting enough air. Sleep has been super affected by this cause I wake up every few hours just to puff my inhaler. I have to sleep slightly elevated. And it's even worse if G sleeps on me. And I think baby L hates it when Jiejie sleeps on me. Baby L kicks even more violently and then I can't breathe. Thing is baby isn't even up my chest or ribs! Imagine if baby grows to that big and goes near my chest. By then I think I really won't be able to breathe!!
-I've had a night of random bad cramps a few nights ago. Thankfully it was only a one off thing cause the cramps were like period cramps but wasn't frequent to be contractions. The cramps also caused some pain in my back. And it happened when I was going to sleep which was so so uncomfy. I thought I had to go into Labour ward again but Yea nothing too alarming.
-I get so tired and feel so sluggish these days I honestly hate to go out but hate staying at home too cause I'm bored out of my mind!! Urggg...

Weight: 51.9kg still...
Total weight gain since Pre preg: 6.9kgs

I think that's about it for this week. Seeing my gynae and Uro on Thursday! Excited to see baby L again and find out the weight of baby(:

Really so over this pregnancy. Another 7wks and we hit full term!! Go baby go!!

Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Week 28

Down with UTI.. Again. Whats new right? And this week my anxiety has heightened. We are approaching week 29 which is the week i gave birth to G. So i am particularly anxious. Every pain, twitch, whether baby moves or not stresses me out.

I went to my urologist today and found out my kidneys are also swollen. That explains my super painful back pains. And then im all nauseous again today. Totally no appetite or when i eat i feel so lousy. And a few days ago i passed out some thick mucus. I was so worried it was my mucus plug but yet my gut feeling told me im fine im just being crazy paranoid. And yesterday i had some tingling pain at my belly. It only happened while i was driving back home but since i was at the hospital i thought why not go see my gynae. But i also felt some tightening at my belly and he suggested i just walk into labour ward so that can monitor me better. Yes im a woman with alot of problems -.-

Thankfully nothing is dilated or i wasnt having any contractions. My cervix wasnt open either. So everything is all good. My gynae even popped by to check on me and he suggested i take the steroid shots to speed up maturing of baby L's lungs just in case i would go into early labour. With G i only had 1 dose instead of the required 2 which i reason why she took so long to get off the oxygen aids while at the Nicu. So i do feel at ease now that my gynae has taken this precaution this time around (my gynae is different btw).

I have to go in tomorrow for my second dose. This jab is super painful!! When i took it for G i remember how painful and numbing it was. So when the nurse jabbed me just now i screamed and gosh it was the same pain -.- and mind you i do have a high threshold of pain so when i say its painful it really is!! Its been 6hrs since i took the jab and my butt still hurts. Fml

I have faith in baby L that he will make it further than G. But once i cross the 30weeks then i will feel better.

Soon we will be a family of 4. Sean and i are really excited to all the craziness! Haha