Friday, 26 June 2015

G is officially 1 years old!

I'm still alive!! I've got tons of drafts which need to be uploaded but just waiting for the right time to do so. So please bear with me while I prep all that up! But its some juicy news! Here's a pic of G which I absolutely find super adorable. Wish it wasn't so pixelated though but it was a zoom in pic. I don't know about you but she's maturing too fast. Like her face changes everyday and its getting more mature? Lol luckily she's small size so strangers do come up to me and ask me "how old is she?" Thinking she is below 1. Oh yes today is 26th June 2015 which is her actual 1yrs old!!!

Oh we have come a looongggg way! From this tiny being to this..

Actually more like this foetus alien looking thing to a healthy strong baby!

We have been very blessed. Or rather God is really looking out for G. He has blessed her with such good health over the year and she only ever fell so sick last month. If you have been following me through my pregnancy to her birth and her growing years.. Well there is so much more to come! Shes also embarking on another journey together with sean and i. As a family we will grow stronger and deal with whatever hurdles and life changes together as a family!

Dearest G, you are officially 1 now (how great is that you get to celebrate 2 birthdays?). You came out 2months early. Yes we were worried mad. But looking back you wouldnt be the strong warrior and a lil girl full of wisdom if you had waited till full term. I believe your nicu journey made you the strong, determined lil girl you are today. And plus we got to enjoy 2 extra months with you to marvel how a small tiny being can strive and survive outside the womb. You are mummy and daddy's pride and joy; our biggest accomplishment. You have such unique relationships with everyone around you. Because your bubbly personality wins the hearts of everyone. We cant wait to see what an amazing lil girl you will become and what great things you will achieve. We love you with all our hearts G!